24 सितम्बर 2017 को उत्तर प्रदेश लोक सेवा आयोग (UPPSC) द्वारा आयोजित उत्तर प्रदेश पी.सी.एस. प्रारंभिक परीक्षा (Uttar Pradesh PCS preliminary examination) – 2017 का सामान्य अध्ययन (General Studies) – द्वितीय प्रश्न (second exam paper) पत्र उत्तर कुंजी (Answer key) सहित।
विषय : सामान्य अध्ययन – द्वितीय (General Studies-2)
परीक्षा तिथि : 24 सितम्बर 2017
समय : 2 घण्टे
कुल प्रश्न : 100
इस परीक्षा का प्रथम प्रश्नपत्र (General Studies-1) यहाँ उपलब्ध है।
UP PCS Prelims Solved Exam Paper 2 – 2017
सामान्य अध्ययन – 2
Instruction for question nos. 1 to 5.
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end.
The great grammar of panini which effectively satbilized the sanskrit language, presupposes the work of many earlier grammarians. These had succeeded in recognizing the root as the basic element of a word, and had classified some 2000 monosyllabic roots which, with the addition of prefixes, suffixes, and inflexions were thought to provide all the words of the language. Though the early etymologists were correct in principle. They made many errors and false derivations, and started a precedent which produced interesting results in many branches of indian thought. Though its fame is much restricted by its specialized nature, there is no doubt that panini’s grammar is one of the greatest intellectual achievements of any ancient civilization, and the most detailed and scientific grammar composed before the 19th century in any part of the world.
1. Which grammar book is considered the most scientific ?
A. panini’s
B. patanjali’s
C. an unknown grammarian
D. katyana’s
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2. Which is the basic element of a word ?
A. prefix
B. suffix
C. root
D. inflexion
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3. Fill in the blank in the given sentences :
The early etymologists devised principles_______.
A. which were partly correct
B. which were partly incorrect
C. which were correct
D. which were incorrect
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4. Fill in the blank in the following sentence :
Panini’s grammar gave ____ to sanskrit language.
A. instability
B. stability
C. ability
D. inability
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5. Who made many errors and false derivations ?
A. panini
B. patanjali
C. the early grammarians
D. the later grammarians
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6. Which part of speech is used in the underlined word ?
He takes after his father.
A. Adverb
B. Adjective
C. Conjunction
D. Preposition
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7. Fill in the blank in the given sentence choosing the correct option:
The rule is applicable _____ everyone.
A. For
B. To
C. About
D. With
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8. Change the following sentence into indirect from :
He said, “alas ! I am undone.”
The correct option is :
A. He lamented that he was undone.
B. He exclaimed sadly that he was undone.
C. He felt sorry to say that he is done.
D. He repeated and said I am undone.
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9. Choose the correct passive voice of the given sentence :
Why did you not give him proper advice ?
A. Why he was not given proper advice by you ?
B. Why proper advice did you not give him ?
C. Why was he not given proper advice by you ?
D. Why he was not given by you proper advice.
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10. Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to ‘odd’ ?
A. Queer
B. Glare
C. Even
D. Smart
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11. Identify the synonym of ‘PLAUSIBLE’ from the following :
A. Problematic
B. Costly
C. Believable
D. Probable
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12. Select the correct meaning of the idiom from the following :
Govind has left his country ‘for good’ :
A. Better opportunities
B. For ever
C. On an important mission
D. To return soon
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13. Fill in the blank in the given sentence with the correct preposition :
I have decided to give _____ drinking.
A. In
B. With
C. Away
D. Up
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14. Fill in the blank in the given sentence with the correct preposition :
At last, he made _____ his mind to support us.
A. With
B. On
C. Up
D. Of
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15. Find out the word incorrectly spelt.
A. Permission
B. Ambition
C. Admision
D. Submission
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16. अभी तक, सभी मनुष्य जो मेरे सम्पर्क में आए हैं स्वार्थी हैं; अतएव मैं यह अनुमान क्यों न लगा लूँ कि मनुष्य स्वार्थी है
इसमें निहित तर्कदोष है :
A. आत्माश्रय
B. अवैध सामान्यीकरण
C. चतुष्पदी
D. उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं
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17. कथन (A) : तार बनाने के लिए चाँदी का प्रयोग नहीं किया जाता है।
कारण (R) : चाँदी कुचालक है।
अधोलिखित कूट से सही उत्तर चुनिए :
A. (A) तथा (R) दोनों सत्य हैं और (R), (A) की सही व्याख्या है।
B. (A) तथा (R) दोनों सत्य हैं, किन्तु (R), (A) की सही व्याख्या नहीं है।
C. (A) सत्य हैं किन्तु (R) असत्य है।
D. (A) तथा (R) दोनों असत्य है।
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18. आधारवाक्यों के दिए गए समूह से निम्नलिखित में से कौन निष्कर्ष वैध रूप से निकलता है ?
1. सभी विमानचालक बहादुर व्यक्ति हैं।
2. सभी अन्तरिक्षयात्री विमानचालक हैं।
निष्कर्ष :
A. सभी विमानचालक अन्तरिक्षयात्री हैं।
B. सभी अन्तरिक्षयात्री बहादुर व्यक्ति हैं।
C. कुछ अन्तरिक्षयात्री बहादुर व्यक्ति हैं।
D. कोई अन्तरिक्षयात्री बहादुर व्यक्ति नहीं हैं।
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19. “कोई वैज्ञानिक दार्शनिक नहीं है” यदि वह तर्कवाक्य सत्य है, तो “सभी दार्शनिक वैज्ञानिक हैं”, इस तर्कवाक्य कि सत्यता अथवा असत्यता के संबंध में क्या कहा जा सकता है ?
A. सत्य
B. संदिग्ध
C. असत्य
D. उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं
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20. बहुत से लोग बिस्तर पर मर जाते हैं। अतएव बिस्तर पर नहीं लेटना चाहिए।
इसमें निहित तर्कदोष है :
A. अनिरीक्षण तथा अवैध सामान्यीकरण
B. चतुष्पदी
C. संग्रह
D. उपर्युक्त में से कोई नही
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