21. एक ठोस घन में, जो 27 छोटे घनों से बना होता है, दो विपरीत भुजाओं को लाल, दो को पीले और अन्य दो को सफेद रंग से रंगा जाता है। कितने क्यूब्स में दो रंग हैं ?
(A) 8
(B) 12
(C) 16
(D) 24
In a solid cube which is made up of 27 small cubes, two opposite sides are painted red, two painted yellow and the other two with white. How many cubes have two colors ?
(B) 12
(C) 16
(D) 24
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22. आठ मित्र A, B, C, D, E, F, G और H समान दूरी पर समान क्रम में एक गोल मेज के चारों ओर बैठे हैं। उनकी स्थितियाँ दक्षिणावर्त दिशा में हैं। यदि G, जो उत्तर में बैठा है, C के साथ सीट बदलता है और B, F के साथ सीट बदलता है, तो अब F के दाईं ओर कौन बैठा है ?
(A) E
(B) B
(C) A
(D) G
Eight friends A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting around a round table in the same order at equal distances. Their positions are in clockwise direction. If G, who is sitting in the North, exchanges seat with C and B exchanges seat with F. Now who is sitting to the right of F?
(A) E
(B) B
(C) A
(D) G
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निर्देश (प्रश्न 23 से 25 के लिए) : निम्नलिखित प्रत्येक प्रश्न में, दिए गए विकल्पों में से संबंधित शब्द का चयन करें।
Directions (for Questions 23 to 25) : In each of the following questions, select the related word from the given alternatives.
23. टेलीविज़न : टेलीकास्ट : : रेडियो : ?
(A) प्रसारण
(B) समाचार
(C) संगीत
(D) भोर
Television : Telecast : : Radio :?
(A) Broadcast
(C) Music
(B) News
(D) Dawn
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24. लेखक : पेन : : ?
(A) सुई : दर्जी
(B) ब्रश : कलाकार
(C) चित्रकार : कैनवास
(D) शिक्षक : कक्षा
Writer : Pen : :?
(A) Needle : Tailor
(B) Brush : Artist
(C) Painter : Canvas
(D) Teacher : Class
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25. क्रिकेट : पिच : : ? : ?
(A) नाव : हार्बर
(B) कुश्ती : ट्रैक
(C) बॉक्सिंग : रिंग
(D) जहाज : डॉक
Cricket : Pitch : : ? : ?
(A) Boat : Harbour
(B) Wrestling : Track
(C) Boxing : Ring
(D) Ship : Dock
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Direction (Questions 26-27): In each of the following questions, choose the synonym of the given word from the given alternatives :
26. Tax
(A) Fertilizer
(B) Coarse
(C) Dispatch
(D) Impost
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27. Unskilled
(A) Inexpert
(B) Tall
(C) Affluent
(D) Sick
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Direction (Questions 28-30) : Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
28. Guileless
(A) twisted
(B) cunning
(C) irrational
(D) wily
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29. Peace
(A) chasm
(B) hunger
(C) violence
(D) anger
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30. Hesitant
(A) eloquent
(B) fluent
(C) articulate
(D) voluble
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Direction (31-32): Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles from the given alternatives.
31. We saw ____ one rupee note lying on the road and stooped to pick it up.
(A) a
(B) an
(C) the
(D) No article
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32. ____ answer to the question was incorrect because I had not studied for it.
(A) No article
(B) A
(C) An
(D) The
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Direction (33-34): Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions choosing one from the four alternatives given below each sentence.
33. You are yourself responsible for your fate as you have decided to jump ___ the deep sea.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) by
(D) into
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34. We have decided to get our daughter married ____ her colleague.
(A) to
(B) between
(C) with
(D) by
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Direction (35-36): Find the correct spelling from the given options.
(A) Vetarinary
(B) Veterinary
(C) Veteninary
(D) Vetinary
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(A) Treacherous
(C) Trechearous
(B) Trecherous
(D) Treachrous
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Direction (Question 37-38): Match the idiom/phrase with the most suitable meaning.
37. To end in smoke
(A) To make completely understand
(B) To ruin oneself
(C) To excite great applause
(D) To overcome someone
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38. To be above board
(A) To have a good height
(B) To be honest in any business deal
(C) They have no debts
(D) To try to be beautiful
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Direction (39-40): In the given sentences identify which part of the sentence contains error and mark it as your answer.
39. They don’t have a car / and they don’t want / one / as well.
(A) they don’t have a car
(B) and they don’t want
(C) one
(D) as well
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40. Indian scientists are no way / inferior for any other / scientists in the world.
(A) Indian scientists are no way
(B) inferior for
(C) any other
(D) scientists in the world
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