Direction (41-43): Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate options by reordering the given sentences.
41. All meritorious students
P: get success
Q: who are honest and hard-working
R: and recognition
S: in every walk of life
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42. Sandeep
P: prime focus was
Q: was a victim of wrong education
R: on memorizing facts
S: system where the
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43. We sat
P: through the Metro Mall Park
Q : which flanked a path running
R: under the boughs
S: of a spreading Mango tree
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Direction (44-45): From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.
44. Romil says, “I don’t want to play any more.”
(A) Romil says that he doesn’t want to play anymore.
(B) Romil says that I don’t want to play anymore.
(C) Romil says that I didn’t want to play anymore.
(D) Romil says that he didn’t want to play anymore.
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45. Sohan said, “We shall go to see the Red fort in the moonlit night”.
(A) Sohan said that we shall go to see the Red fort in the moonlit night.
(B) Sohan told that we shall go to see the in Red fort moonlit night.
(C) Sohan told that we should go to see the Red fort in the moonlit night.
(D) Sohan said that they would go to see the Red fort in the moonlit night.
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46. Change the voice of the given sentence by choosing the best option:
The cashier took the money from the customer.
(A) The money is taken from the customer by the cashier.
(B) The money was taken from the customer by the cashier
(C) The customer was taken the money by the cashier.
(D) The money had been taken from the customer by the cashier.
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Direction (Question 47-50): Read the given passage and answer the quest the best alternative from the given options :
There is some truth in the declaration that “knowledge of ancient history is necessary to the intelligent interpretation of current events”. But the prophet who uttered these words of wisdom might well have added something on the benefits of studying, P. something on the benefits of studying, particularly, the famous battles of history for the lessons they contain for those of us who lead or aspire to leadership. Such a study will reveal certain qualities and attributes which enabled the winners to win and certain deficiencies which caused the losers to lose. And the student will see that the same patterns repeat consistently, throughout the centuries.
47. Anybody who aspires to lead could learn from the history of battles
(A) what led the previous leaders win a battle
(B) what made them lose a battle
(C) the qualities and deficiencies of commanders of these battles
(D) the strategies that they have evolved in course of these battles
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48. What does “intelligent interpretation of current event” mean?
(A) intellectual outlook on events
(B) appropriate understanding of events
(C) rational explanation of events
(D) skilful interpretation of events
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49. According to the writer, a study of famous battles of history would
(A) be beneficial to wise men
(B) help us understand the art of modern warfare
(C) be more useful than a general knowledge of ancient history
(D) provide food to modern leaders for reflection
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50. Which of the following option is similar to word “wisdom” ?
(A) folly
(B) sagacity
(C) obtuseness
(D) instability
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51. यदि P : Q = 8 : 15 और Q : R= 3 : 2, तो P : Q : R =
(A) 8 : 15 : 7
(B) 8 : 15 : 10
(C) 7 : 15 : 8
(D) 10 : 15 : 8
If P : Q = 8 : 15 and Q : R= 3 : 2, then P : Q : R =
(A) 8 : 15 :7
(B) 8 : 15 : 10
(C) 7 : 15 : 8
(D) 10 : 15:8
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52. यदि एक मात्रा को 3 : 5 के अनुपात में विभाजित किया जाता है, तो बड़ा भाग 75 है। मात्रा ज्ञात कीजिए।
(A) 110
(B) 120
(C) 240
(D) 150
If quantity is divided in ratio 3 : 5, the larger part is 75. Find the quantity.
(A) 110
(B) 120
(C) 240
(D) 150
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53. किसी शहर की जनसंख्या 2 साल बाद 432000 होने का अनुमान है, यदि जनसंख्या वृद्धि 20% प्रति वर्ष है। वर्तमान जनसंख्या क्या है ?
(B) 285000
(C) 380000
(D) 300000
The population of a city estimated to be 432000 after 2 years, if the population growth is 20% per annum. What is the current population ?
(A) 310000
(B) 285000
(C) 380000
(D) 300000
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54. किसी श्रमिक की दैनिक मजदुरी प्रति सप्ताह 20% बढ़ जाती है. लेकिन उसके द्वारा प्रति सप्ताह काम करने के घंटों की संख्या में 20% की गिरावट आती है। अगर वह मल रूप से ₹ 500 प्रति सप्ताह प्राप्त कर रहा था, तो अगले सप्ताह उसे कितना मिलेगा ?
(A) ₹400
(B) ₹480
(C) ₹360
(D) ₹380
The daily wages of a worker increases per week by 20%, but the number of hours worked by him per week drop by 20%. if he was originally getting 500 per week, how much will he get next week ?
(A) ₹400
(B) ₹480
(C) ₹360
(D) ₹380
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55. ‘A’ अपने माल को लागत मुल्य से 20% ऊपर ट्रेडमार्क करता है। यदि वह नकद भुगतान के लिए 5% का छूट देता है, तो लेनदेन के लिए उसका लाभ प्रतिशत है :
(A) 15%
(B) 12%
(C) 14%
(D) 17%
‘A’ trademarks his goods at 20% above the cost price. If he allows a discount of 5% for cash down payment, his profit percent for the transaction is :
(A) 15%
(B) 12%
(C) 14%
(D) 17%
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56. 144 टिन के डिब्बे बेचने से, राम को 6 डिब्बों के विक्रय मूल्य के बराबर नुकसान होता है। यदि डिब्बों का कुल लागत मूल्य ₹7,200 है, तो एक डिब्बे का विक्रय मूल्य क्या है ?
(A) ₹48
(B) ₹50
(C) ₹40
(D) ₹38
By selling 144 tin boxes, Ram suffers a loss equal to selling price of 6 boxes. If the total cost price of boxes is ₹7,200, what is the selling price of a box?
(A) ₹48
(B) ₹50
(C) ₹40
(D) ₹38
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57. यदि समय 8 वर्ष बढ़ने पर, ₹ 1,500 पर साधारण ब्याज में ₹ 30 की वृद्धि हो जाती है. तो प्रतिवर्ष प्रतिशत की दर है :
(A) 0.5%
(B) 0.25%
(C) 0.75%
(D) 1.25%
If the simple interest on ₹1,500 increases by ₹30 when the time increases by 8 years. The rate of percent per annum is
(A) 0.5%
(B) 0.25%
(C) 0.75%
(D) 1.25%
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58. उन पूरे वर्षों की कम से कम संख्या ज्ञात करें जिनमें 20% चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज पर निवेश की गई एक धनराशि दोगुने से अधिक होगी।
(A) 3 वर्ष
(B) 4 वर्ष
(C) 5 वर्ष
(D) 8 वर्ष
Find the least number of complete years in which a sum of money put out at 20% compound interest, will be more than double.
(A) 3 years
(B) 4 years
(C) 5 years
(D) 8 years
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59. सुमन ने चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज पर दो साल के लिए ₹ 16,000 की राशि का निवेश किया और परिपक्वता पर ₹ 17,640 की राशि प्राप्त की। ब्याज दर क्या है ?
(A) 3%
(B) 4%
(C) 5%
(D) 8%
Suman invested an amount of ₹ 16,000 for two years at compound interest and received an amount of 17,640 on maturity. What is the rate of interest?
(A) 3%
(B) 4%
(C) 5%
(D) 8%
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60. ‘A’, ‘B’ से दोगुना अच्छा काम करने वाला कामगार है और साथ में वे एक काम को 18 दिनों में पूरा करते हैं। ‘A’ अकेले कितने दिनों में उस काम को पूरा करेगा?
(A) 20 दिन
(B) 25 दिन
(C) 23 दिन
(D) 27 दिन
‘A’ is twice as good a workman as ‘B’ and together they finish a piece of work in 18 days. In how many days will ‘A’ alone finish the work ?
(A) 20 days
(B) 25 days
(C) 23 days
(D) 27 days
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