Chhattisgarh Pre B.ed exam paper 07 June 2018

Chhattisgarh Pre B.ed exam paper 07 June 2018

81. उच्चारण के प्रमुख तत्व कितने हैं ?
(A) एक
(B) दो
(C) तीन
(D) चार

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Answer -B

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82. ‘:’ इस विराम चिह्न का नाम हैं
(A) पूर्ण विराम
(B) अल्प विराम
(C) योजक चिह्न
(D) विसर्ग चिह्न

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Answer -D

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83. निम्नलिखित शब्द का शुद्ध रूप कौनसा है ?
(A) परिस्थिती
(B) परिस्थिति
(C) परीस्थिति
(D) परीस्थिती

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Answer -B

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84. “हर तरह के संकटों से घिरा रहने पर भी वह निराश नहीं हुआ.” यह किस तरह का वाक्य है ?
(A) संयुक्त वाक्य
(B) मिश्र वाक्य
(C) सरल वाक्य
(D) विशेषण उपवाक्य

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Answer -C

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85. खटाई में पड़ना मुहावरे का अर्थ है
(A) कठिन परिश्रम
(B) शक्तिहीन होना
(C) गुम जाना
(D) झमेले में पड़ना

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Answer -D

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86. “हमारे कॉलेज में नरेन्द्र सबसे अच्छा खिलाड़ी हैं.” इस वाक्य में तुलनात्मक विशेषण की कौनसी अवस्था है ?

(A) मूलावस्था
(B) उत्तरावस्था
(C) उत्तमावस्था
(D) इनमें से कोई नहीं

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Answer -C

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87. ‘घोटक’ किस प्रकार का शब्द है ?
(A) देशज
(B) तद्भव
(C) फारसी
(D) तत्सम

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Answer -D

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88. इनमें से कौनसा शब्द ‘गो’ का अनेकार्थक नहीं है ?
(A) बाण
(B) श्रेष्ठ
(C) वज
(D) गाय

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Answer -C

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89. ‘ड़’ किस प्रकार का व्यंजन है ?
(A) संघर्षी
(B) स्पर्श संघर्षी
(C) पाश्विक
(D) उक्षिप्त

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Answer -D

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90. “जो युद्ध में स्थिर रहता है” के लिए एक शब्द है
(A) शांत चित्त
(B) युधिष्ठर
(C) धैर्यवान
(D) युद्ध प्रज्ञ

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Answer -B

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Directions-(Q. 91-93) In each question there is a passage of six sentences. The first and the sixth are given in the beginning. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled PQRS. Find out the proper order for the four sentences.

91. SI: The heart is the pump of life
S6: All this was made possible by the invention of the heart-lung machine.
P: They have succeeded in heart transplants.
Q: Now-a-days surgeons are able to stop a patient’s heart and carry out complicated
R: A few years ago it was impossible to operato on a patient whose heart was not
working properly
S: If the heart stops. we die in about five minutes.

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Answer -B

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92. SI: Janaki said on the phone that She would report for duty the next day.
S6 : Eventually we reported to the police.
P: We waited for a few days and then decided to go to her place.
Q: But she did not.
R: We found it locked.
S: Even after that we waited for her for quite a few days.

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Answer -C

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93. SI : Satyajit Ray made several films for children.
S6 : But today few think of Ray as a maker of children’s films.
P: latter film-makers have followed his lead.
Q: Today other nations are making children’s films in a big way.
R: This was at a time when no director considered children as potential audience.
S: Ray was, thus, a pioneer in the field.

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Answer -B

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94. Find out the correctly spelt word from the following
(A) neccessary
(B) necesary
(C) neccasery
(D) necessary

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Answer -D

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95. Out of the alternatives given, choose the one that can be substituted for “An official statement that allows people who have been put in prison for crimes against the state to go free”.
(A) atavism
(B) amnesty
(C) anomaly
(D) alimony

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Answer -B

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96. Choose the correct sentence –
(A) If I have time, I should visit the exhibition.
(B) If I have time. I would visit the exhibition.
(C) If I have time, I shall visit the exhibition.
(D) If I have time, I shall have visited the exhibition.

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Answer -C

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97. “He is employed ….. the Manuscripts Department …… the British Museum”.
Choose the prepositions in correct order to fill in the blanks in the above sentence
(A) in, at
(B) at, in
(C) in, in
(D) on, at

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Answer -A

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Directions-(Q. 98-100) Read the given passage carefully and answer the questions
Most people lead the lives that circumstances have thrust upon them. But Wilson had boldly taken the course of his life into his own hands. At 35, he had quit his job to lead a pleasant life on an exotic island with just enough money to last for twenty five years. Once, fifteen years after he had been on island, I happened to meet him and enquired about his financial situation. He said, “It will carry me on till I am sixty. “But one cannot be sure of dying at sixty”, I said. “Well ……” he replied, “it depends on oneself, doesn’t it” ?
98. According to the author, most people
(A) Do not allow circumstances to affect their lives
(B) Have fatalistic attitude towards life
(C) Do not know how to cope with their situation
(D) Do nothing to change the condition they live in

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Answer -D

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99. Wilson’s boldest decision was that he
(A) Quit his job
(B) Saved a lot of money to lead a pleasant life
(C) Preferred to live in isolation
(D) Wanted to live without depending on others

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Answer -A

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100. “… depends on oneself suggests that Wilson at 60. would
(A) Depend on his own resources
(B) Surrender him to destiny
(C) Take away his own life
(D) Carry on living in the same way

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Answer -C

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