delhi police solved exam paper 2010

दिल्ली पुलिस – उपनिरीक्षक (Sub Inspector) एग्जाम पेपर – 2010

Instructions (Qs. 101 to 108): Fill in the blank. with the appropriate words.
In a century marked by …(101)… Gandhi perfected a different method of bringing about change, one that would turn out (surprisingly) to have more …(102)… impact. The …(103)… he used to describe it do not translate …(104)… into English. Satyagraha (holding firmly onto the deepest truth and soul force) and …(105)… (the love that remains when all thoughts of violence are dispelled). They formed the basis for Civil Disobedience and nonviolent …(106)… “Non-violence is the greatest force at the …(107)… of mankind”, he said, “It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the …(108)… of man.

101. A. kindness
B. brutality
C. integrity
D. ingenuity

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Answer -B

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102. A. tasting
B. devastating
C. lasting
D. interesting

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Answer -C

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103. A. terms
B. phrase
C. methods
D. servitude

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Answer -B

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104. A. easily
B. hardly
C. readily
D. willingly

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Answer -A

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105. A. non-cooperation
B. violence
C. ahimsa
D. desperation

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Answer -C

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106. A. persistence

B. impudence
C. resistance
D. allegory

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Answer -A

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107. A proposal
B. insinuation
C. vituperation
D. disposition

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Answer -D

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108. A. ingenuity
B, veracity
C. protagonist
D. tenacity

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Answer -D

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Instructions: From the choices given below, select the pair of words which exhibits the same relationships between each other as the given capitalized pair of words.
A. tea : sugar
B. pen : cup
C. ladder : rung
D. lever : balance

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Answer -C

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A. pungent : poignancy
B. profuse : extravagance
C. obscure : clarity
D. poised : serenity

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Answer -C

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A. anchor: show.
B. driver: truck
C. conductor : train
D. fiancee : girl

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Answer -A

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A. sad : avoid
B. sob:cry
C. resist : surrender
D. giggle : laugh

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Answer -B

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A. anxious : analyze
B. stagger : walk
C. trip : fall
D. walk : run

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Answer -B

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A. penitenitary : guards
B. arsenal: weapons
C. courthouse : laws
D. bank : mortgage

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Answer -B

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Instructions: Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Recently technological advancement in manned and un-manned undersea vehicles, overcome some of the limitations of divers equipment. Without a. vehicle, divers often became sluggish and their mental concentration was limited. Because of undersea pressure that affected their mind, concentration among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make observations by means of instruments that are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water. Direct observation of the ocean floor is made not only by the divers, but also by deep diving submarines. Some of these submarines can dive to depths of more than several miles and cruise at depths of 15 thousand feet. Radio equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land-based laboratories including data about water temperature, currents and weather. Some of mankind’s most serious problems, especially those concerning energy and food may be solved with the help of observations made possible by the undersea vehicles.
115. Divers have had problems in concentrating underwater because:
A. the pressure affected their minds
B. the vehicles they used have not been perfected
C. they did not think clearly
D. the pressure destroyed their mental processes

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Answer -A

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116. Undersea vehicles:
A. are too small for a man to fit inside
B. are very slow to respond
C. have the same limitations that divers have
D. make direct observations of the ocean floor

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Answer -D

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117. This passage suggest that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon.
A. vehicles as well as divers
B. radio that divers use to communicate
C. controlling currents and the weather
D. removal of the limitations of diving equipment.

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Answer -A

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118. According to the author, what are some of the problems the underwater studies may eventually resolve?
A Weather and temperature control
B. Food and energy shortages
C. Transportation and communication problems
D. Overcrowding and housing problems

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Answer -B

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119. How is a radio-equipped buoy most likely to be operated?
A. By operators inside the vehicle and underwater
B. By operators outside the vehicle on a ship
C. By operators outside the vehicle on a dividing platform
D. By operators outside the ‘vehicle in a laboratory on the shore

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Answer -D

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120. With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?
A. Recent technological advances
B. Communication among divers
C. Direct observation of the ocean floor
D. Undersea vehicles

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Answer -A

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