निर्देश : (प्रश्न संख्या 141 से 145 के लिए) निम्न प्रश्नों में चार विकल्पों में से जो वह सम्बन्ध बताता है जो कि : : के बायीं तरफ के पदों के सम्बन्ध के समान हो उसे भरिए।
141. अंपायर : खेल : :
A प्रधान रसोइया : प्रीतिभोज
B. विधायक : मतदाता
C. परिनियामक : वाद-विवाद
D. विलक्षण व्यक्ति : आश्चर्य
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142. टिकट संग्रहक : टिकट : :
A. बढ़ई : आरा
B. धावक : जूते
C. मुद्राशास्त्री : सिक्का
D. ज्योतिषि : भविष्यवाणी
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143. कोशिका : कोशिका विज्ञान : : पक्षी :
A. ऑडॉन्टोलॉजी
B. माइकोलॉजी
C. ऑरनिथोलॉजी
D. इटिमॉलॉजी
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144. फूलगुच्छ : फूल ::
A. जेल : चोर
B. हार : धागो
C. माला : मोती
D. पार्टी : मोमबत्तियाँ
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145. ईटानगर : अरुणाचल प्रदेश :
A. इम्फाल : त्रिपुरा
B. कटक : उड़ीसा
C. कानपुर : उत्तर प्रदेश
D कोहिमा : नागालैंड
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निर्देश : (प्रश्न संख्या 146 से 150 के लिए) निम्न सूचना के अनुसार प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिए।
सोमवार से रविवार तक 6 व्यक्ति एक सेमिनार में – लेते हैं जिसमें A, B, C, D, E और F अपने-अपने पे प्रस्तत करेंगे। वे निम्नांकित क्रमानुसार पेपर प्रस्तुत करेंगे ।
(i) C शुक्रवार को प्रस्तुति नहीं करेगा।
(ii) A का प्रस्तुतीकरण प्रयोगात्मक है इसलिए वह D की प्रस्तुति के 2 दिन बाद करेगा।
(iii) E बुधवार को प्रस्तुति करेगा परन्तु यह F के प्रस्तुति के बाद ही होगी।
(iv) एक दिन छुट्टी का होगा और उस दिन वह व्यक्ति जिसे प्रयोगात्मक प्रस्तुति अगले दिन करनी है प्रस्तुतिकरण की तैयारी करेगा।
146. आखिरी दिन कौन पेपर प्रस्तुत करेगा?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. F
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147. कौन-सा दिन छुट्टी का होगा?
A. मंगलवार
B. बुधवार
C. बृहस्पतिवार
D. शनिवार
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148. D किस दिन अपना पेपर प्रस्तुत करेगा?
A. मंगलवार
B. बुधवार
C. बृहस्पतिवार
D. शनिवार
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149. प्रथम दिन किसने प्रस्तुति की?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. F
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150. D और F की प्रस्तुतियों के बीच कितने दिनों का फासला है?
A. कोई नहीं
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
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प्रश्न-पत्र – 4
English Language
Directions (Q. No. 151 to 155) : In each of the following sentences, four options are given. You are required to identify the best way of writing the sentence in the context of the correct usage of English language. While doing so, you have to ensure that the message being conveyed remains the same in all the cases.
151. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it was an unauthorized act.
A. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from those maintaining that it was an unauthorized act.
B. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who maintain that it had been an unauthorized act.
C. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from those who
maintain that it was an unauthorized act.
D. Ever since the sting operation, there has been much opposition from they who
maintain that it was an unauthorized act
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152. The reason I came late to office today is because my car broke down.
A. The reason I was late to office today is because my car broke down.
B. Why I came late to office today is because my car broke down.
C. The reason I came late to office today is because my car broke down.
D. The reason I came late to office today is that my car broke down.
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153. Being a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance.
A. Since he was a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused
that UFOs had caused the disturbance.
B. Being that he was a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that UFOs had caused the disturbance.
C. Realist that he was, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused
that UFOs had caused the disturbance.
D. Being a realist, the detective could not accept the statement of the accused that
UFOs had caused the disturbance.
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154. The moral of the entire story is how money doesn’t make you happy.
A. In this novel, it moral of the story is how money doesn’t make you happy.
B. The moral of the entire story is that money doesn’t make you happy.
C. The moral of the entire story is how money doesn’t make you happy.
D. That money doesn’t not make you happy, is the entire moral of the story.
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155. When this war is over, no kingdom will either be isolated in war or peace.
A. When this war is over, no kingdom will be isolated either in war or peace.
B. When this war is over, no kingdom will be either isolated in war or peace.
C. When this war is over, no kingdom will either be isolated in war or be isolated in
D. When this war is over, no kingdom will either be isolated in war or peace.
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Directions (Q.No. 156 to 160): Choose the option ‘closest to meaning’ to the words given.
156. Ruse:
A. Break
B. Strategem
C. Maudlin
D. Guru
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157. Admonish:
A. Warn
B. Escape
C. Worship
D. Distribute
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158. Grandiose:
A. Imposing
B. Unpretentious
C. Boring
D. Lanky
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159. Fetid:
A. Comical
B. Ornament
C. Stinking
D. Regular
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160. Sage:
A. Wise man
B. Tale
C. Era
D. Fool
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