Rajasthan PTET Exam Paper 21 May 2023 (Answer Key)

Rajasthan PTET Exam Paper 21 May 2023 (Answer Key)

181. Which of the following best expresses the same sentence in Passive Voice: Do you understand what I mean?
(A) What I mean is that understood by you?
(B) Was what I mean understood by you?
(C) Is what I mean understood by you?
(D) What I mean is understood by you?

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Answer – D

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182. Which of the following options has the correct order of words to form an interrogative sentence?
(A) A villian /was he/ not to do/ such a deed?
(B) Was he/ not to do a villain/ such a deed?
(C) He was a villain/ such a deed/ not to do?
(D) Was he/ not a villain /to do/ such a deed?

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Answer – D

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183. No sooner had she read the telegram …….. she fainted.
(A) then
(C) therefore
(B) than
(D) there

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Answer – D

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184. What is the meaning of the word ‘vernacular language’?
(A) formal language
(B) informal language
(C) foreign language
(D) native language

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Answer – D

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185. Use suitable prefix to make the opposite of the given word: 3 Chev Contented
(A) im
(B) in
(C) into
(D) dis

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Answer – D

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186. Which one of the following is an example of “Collective noun”?

(A) Dog
(B) Man
(C) Federation
(D) Milk

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Answer – C

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187. Which word is an antonym for ‘generous’?
(A) stingy
(B) charitable
(C) kind-hearted
(D) benevolent

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Answer – C

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Read the passage given below and answer the questions from Que. No. 188 to 192 by Choosing the answers from the given options:
Reading is an essential skill that students need. to develop in order to be successful in their academic and professional lives. It is important to remember that reading is not just about decoding words on a page, but about understanding the meaning behind those words. Reading comprehension is the ability to understand, analyze, and interpret what you read. There are several strategies that students their reading improve to comprehension. One of the most important strategies is to preview the text before reading it. This means looking at the title, headings, and any pictures or graphics to get an idea of what the text is about. Another strategy is to ask questions as you read. This can help you to clarify any confusion you may have and to stay focused on the main ideas of the text.

It’s also important to note that reading. comprehension is not just about understanding the words on the page, but also about making connections between the text and your own experiences or knowledge. This can help you to remember the information better and to apply it in different contexts. Finally, reading comprehension is a skill that can be improved with practice. The more you read, the more opportunities you have to develop your comprehension skills. So, whether you’re reading for pleasure or for work, take the time to practice and improve your reading comprehension skills.

188. According to the passage, what is reading comprehension?
(A) The ability to read words on a page
(B) The ability to understand, analyze, and interpret what you read
(C) The ability to read quickly
(D) The ability to write about what you read

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Answer – B

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189. What is one strategy students can use to improve their reading comprehension?
(A) Only read the first and last sentences of each paragraph
(B) Skip over any pictures or graphics
(C) Preview the text before reading it 15
(D) Only read texts that are easy and familiar

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Answer – C

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190. Why is it important to make connections between the text and your own experiences or knowledge?
(A) To confuse yourself
(B) To remember the information better and to apply it in different contexts
(C) To ignore the text
(D) To make the text more difficult to understand

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Answer – B

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191. According to the passage, how can reading comprehension be improved?
(A) By avoiding difficult texts
(B) By only reading for pleasure
(C) By practicing reading
(D) By skipping over any pictures or graphics

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Answer – C

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192. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) Reading is an essential skill for success.
(B) Students should only read texts that are easy and familiar.
(C) Previewing the text is not an important strategy for improving reading comprehension.
(D) Making connections between the text and your own experiences is not helpful for improving comprehension.

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Answer – A

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193. One should …… oneself to whatever circumstances one is placed in.
(A) adapt
(B) adopt
(C) adept
(D) acquire

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Answer – A

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194. What is the meaning of the word ‘quintessential’?
(A) common
(B) ordinary
(C) typical
(D) exceptional

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Answer – D

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195. Socrates was _____ wisest of Greek philosophers.
(A) the
(B) a
(C) an
(D) wisest of Greek

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Answer – A

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196. Which of the following is an example of a preposition?
(A) sing
(B) happy
(C) with
(D) quickly

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Answer – C

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197. Which of the following is an example of a conjunction?
(A) of
(B) because
(C) beautiful
(D) this

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Answer – B

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198. Select the word for the study of rhythm, sound, pause, stress and pitch features of a language particularly in poetry and speech.
(A) programme
(B) prosody
(C) prospect
(D) protagonist

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Answer – B

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199. Which of the following is an example of a possessive pronoun?
(A) my
(B) her
(C) its
(D) all of these

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Answer – C

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200. He is here, .. ..? Put question tag
(A) didn’t he?
(B) won’t he?
(C) isn’t he?
(D) needn’t he?

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Answer – C

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