81. Choose the correct antonym of LECHEROUS :
(A) carnal
(B) chaste
(C) lewd
(D) lustful
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82. Government run by people is called:
(A) Bureaucracy
(B) Autocracy
(C) Monarchy
(D) Democracy
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83. Something kept as a reminder of event :
(A) Prizes
(B) Souvenir
(C) Award
(D) Biography
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84. Choose the correct one word substitution from the given options : The study of plants :
(A) Geology
(B) Botany
(C) Zoology
(D) Biology
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85. Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the given word/ sentence:
Murder of a king
(A) Uxoricide
(B) Parricide
(C) Matricide
(D) Regicide
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86. Which one of the following suffixes can be added to the following word to form a new one Paint
(A) _ion
(B) _en
(C) _ly
(D) _er
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87. Which suffix can be added to the word ‘peace’ to make a new word ?
(A) ed
(B) est
(C) ful
(D) ing
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88. Choose the correct word : The teacher reprimanded her for her _______ (conduct).
(A) unconduct
(B) overconduct
(C) nonconduct
(D) misconduct
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89. Choose the correct option given below :
Ranveer asked what her name was.
(Change into Direct)
(A) Ranveer asked, “What is her name.”
(B) Ranveer asks, “What her name was?”
(C) Ranveer said, “What is her name ?”
(D) Ranveer said, “What was her name?”
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90. The Principal said to the students, “Where were you yesterday ?”
(Change into Indirect)
(A) The Principal asked to the students where they had been yesterday ?
(B) The Principal asked the students where they were the day before.
(C) The Principal asked the students where they had been the day before.
(D) The Principal told the students where were they yesterday.
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91. Change the following sentence from direct to indirect speech :
He said, “Alas ! I am undone.”
(A) He exclaimed sadly that he was broke.
(B) He exclaimed sadly that he was undone.
(C) He said sadly that he was undone.
(D) He said sadly that he was broke.
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92. Choose the correct negative transformation of the assertive sentence given belowly without changing the meaning :
Brutus loved Caesar.
(A) Brutus and Caesar both, had no love for one another.
(B) Caesar too, had no love for Brutus.
(C) Brutus, was not without love for Caesar.
(D) Brutus had no love for Caesar.
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93. Choose the correct assertive form of the following sentence from the given options
Tomorrow is not a holiday.
(A) Tomorrow is a holiday.
(B) Tomorrow can be a holiday.
(C) Tomorrow shall be a holiday.
(D) Tomorrow will be a holiday.
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94. Change from Assertive to Negative :
He is cleverer than me.
(A) I am not as cleverer than him.
(B) I am not as clever as he is.
(C) I will not be as clever as him.
(D) I am not very clever.
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95. Choosing the correct option, change the following sentence into Assertive without changing the meaning :
Shyam has promised never to touch hard drink again.
(A) Shyam has never promised to touch hard drink again.
(B) Shyam has not promised to touchy hard drink in future.
(C) Shyam has promised to abstain from hard drink in future.
(D) Shyam has promised to touch hard drink again.
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96. Change from Interrogative to Assertive :
Who can be expected to submit to injustice?
(A) Nobody could submit to injustice.
(B) No one should submit to injustice.
(C) No one can be expected to submit to injustice.
(D) Anyone can be expected to submit to injustice.
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97. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb given in the bracket :
The ship _______ (sink) in the ocean yesterday.
(A) sinking
(B) sank
(C) sunk
(D) sink
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98. Fill in the blank with the correct tense of the verb given in the brackets. Choose the correct form from the options below:
They _______ (buy) vegetable last week.
(A) buy
(B) have bought
(C) buys
(D) bought
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99. Choose the correct form/tense of the verb from the options below to fill in the blank:
The teacher said that oil ______ (float) on water.
(A) had floated
(B) floats
(C) float
(D) floated
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100. Fill in the blank with the correct option:
It’s time you ______ to bed.
(A) will go
(B) went
(C) gone
(D) go
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