101. Choose the correct passive voice of the following sentence, from the options below: Anita saw a picture.
(A) A picture had been seen by Anita.
(B) A picture has been seen by Anita.
(C) A picture is seen by Anita.
(D) A picture was seen by Anita
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102. Choose the correct passive voice of the following sentence from the options given below:
They speak Punjabi.
(A) Punjabi has been spoken by them.
(B) Punjabi will be spoken by them.
(C) Punjabi is spoken by them.
(D) Punjabi was spoken by them.
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103. Choose the correct form of Active Transformation of the sentence given :
The skyscraper was engulfed in fire.
(A) The fire has been engulfed in the skyscraper.
(B) The fire has engulfed in the skyscraper.
(C) The fire had engulfed the skyscraper.
(D) The fire engulfed the skyscraper.
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104. Choose the correct option given below
I am known to Mrs. Seema.
(Change into Active)
(A) Mrs. Seema is known by me.
(B) Mrs. Seema is known to me.
(C) Mrs. Seema knows me.
(D) Mrs. Seema knew me.
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105. Choose the correct option:
“Don’t go there,” He said.
(Change into Indirect)
(A) He said them not to go there.
(B) He told them not go there.
(C) He told them not to go there.
(D) He said don’t go there.
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106. Change from assertive to interrogative :
It is extremely foolish to waste time in reading trash.
(A) Why should we waste time and read trash ?
(B) Why waste time in reading trash ?
(C) Why should one waste time in reading trash ?
(D) Why waste time in reading trash books.
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107. Choose the correct option for Interrogative to Assertive transformation of the sentence given :
Who will not help a man in distress?
(A) In distress, everyone should help.
(B) Everyone help a man.
(C) No one can help a man in distress.
(D) Everybody will help a man in distress.
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108. Choose the correct option changing the following sentence into Assertive :
Shall we ever forget our freedom fighters?
(A) We shall forget our freedom fighters.
(B) We shall not forget our freedom fighters.
(C) We shall never forget our freedom fighters.
(D) We shall ever forget our freedom fighters.
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109. Choose the correct assertive form of the following sentence from the options given below : How attractive the picture is !
(B) The picture is very attractive.
(C) An attractive picture is there.
(D) The picture is quite attractive.
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110. Change from assertive to exclamatory
The sunrise is very beautiful.
(A) The sunrise was good.
(B) The sunrise is absolutely beautiful
(C) How beautiful the sunrise is!
(D) The sunrise is awesome!
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111. Choose the correct transformation from assertive to exclamatory :
I wish I knew more people.
(A) If only I knew more people !
(B) I wish to know more people !
(C) If I would be able to know more people !
(D) If I could know more people !
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112. Choose the correct exclamatory form of e the following sentence from the options
given below:
I wish I were a clown.
(A) What a clown I were !
(B) I think I was a clown !
(C) If only I were a clown
(D) I were a clown !
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113. Choose the correct article :
Why are you looking at ______ sky?
(A) the
(B) an
(C) no article
(D) a
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114. Choose the appropriate article given in the options :
Neil Armstong was first man to walk on the moon.
(A) zero article
(B) the
(C) and
(D) a
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115. Which one of the following suffixes can be added to the word below to form a
new word :
(A) __ish
(B) _cy
(C) _ry
(D) ___dom
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116. Fill in the blank with the correct option:
They generally _______ the time-table every year.
(A) alter
(B) halter
(C) altar
(D) aliter
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117. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the options given below :
He couldn’t ________ the cold.
(A) bear
(B) bar
(C) beer
(D) bare
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118. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the options given below :
The captain ______ the final charge in the battle.
(A) lied
(B) laid
(C) lead
(D) led
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119. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the options given below :
The _____ of the new medication was loss of appetite
(A) effect was
(B) affect was
(C) effect
(D) affect
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