UPPSC Pre General Studies-2 Exam Paper – 2013 (Solved)

UPPSC Pre General Studies-2 Exam Paper – 2013 (Solved)

41. यदि बहुपद x3 – 3x2 + x + 1 = 0 के शून्यक a – b, a, a + b हों तो b बराबर है
A. – √2
B. 1
C. – 1
D. √2 – 1

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Answer –  A

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42. यदि (a – b)x + (a + b)y = a2 – 2ab – b2 और (a + b) (x + y) = a2 + b2 तो y बराबर है
A. a + b
B. -(a + b)
C. -2ab/a + b
D. 2ab/a + b

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Answer –  C

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43. एक भिन्न का हर, अंश के दो गुने से एक अधिक है। यदि भिन्न तथा उसके व्युत्क्रम का योग 2 16/21 हो तो भिन्न है

A. 7/3
B. 3/7
C. 4/9
D. 5/11

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Answer –  B

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44. WEDNESDAY के लिखने का निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा सही ढंग होगा जबकि शब्द के प्रथम, बीच के तथा अन्तिम अक्षर और शब्द के सभी स्वर अंग्रेज़ी के छोटे अक्षरों से तथा शेष बड़े अक्षरों से लिखे जाएँ ?
B. weDNeSDay
D. weDneSDay

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Answer –  B

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45. 144 बाइसिकिल बेचने पर जॉन को 6 बाइसिकिल के विक्रय मूल्य की हानि हुई। उसकी प्रतिशत हानि है
A. 4%
B. 6%
C. 8%
D. 10%

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Answer –  A

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उपर्युक्त आरेख में, AB और DC समांतर हैं, ∆AOD का क्षेत्रफल = 4 सेमी2 तथा ∆BCD का क्षेत्रफल = 7 सेमी2 तो ∆CDO का क्षेत्रफल है
A. √33 सेमी2
B. 5 सेमी2
C. 4 सेमी2
D. 3 सेमी2

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Answer –  D

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47. निम्नलिखित बारंबारता वितरण में माध्यिका ज्ञात कीजिये :

A. 16
B. 15
C. 14
D. 13

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Answer –  C

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48. निम्न बारंबारता वितरण से पौधों की माध्य ऊँचाई ज्ञात कीजिये :

A. 67.00 सेमी
B. 66.50 सेमी
C. 68.00 सेमी
D. 67.45 सेमी

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Answer –  D

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49. निम्नलिखित आँकड़ों का बहुलक है :

A. 47.5
B. 52.0
C. 54.0
D. 50.5

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Answer –  B

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50. यदि 5 सेमी. त्रिज्या वाले किसी वृत्त में AB और AC दो समान जीवाएँ प्रत्येक 6 सेमी. की हों तो जीवा BC की लम्बाई है
A. 24/5 सेमी
B. 12/5 सेमी
C. 7/5 सेमी
D. उपर्युक्त में से कोई नहीं

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Answer –  D

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51. एक समबाहु त्रिभुज के अन्दर लिये गए किसी बिन्दु से इसकी भुजाओं पर डाले गए लम्बो की लंबाईयाँ क्रमशः √3सेमी, 2√3 सेमी तथा 5√3 सेमी हैं। त्रिभुज का परिमाप है
A. 64 सेमी.
B. 48 सेमी.
C. 32 सेमी.
D. 24 सेमी.

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Answer –  B

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Direction for the following Q. no. 52 to 54 :
Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. Your answers to these questions should be based on the passage only.
My informant about the Tibetan civilization is a certain Japanese monk of the name of Kawaguchi, who spent three years in Tibet at the beginning of the twentieth century. His account of the experience has been translated into English and published with the title ‘three years in Tibet’ by the theosophical society. It is one of the great travel books of the world, and so far as I am aware, the most interesting book on Tibet which no European traveler could possibly have had. He attended the University of lhasa, he enjoyed the acquaintance of Dalai Lama himself, he was intimate with one of the four ministers of finance, he was the friend of lama and layman of all shorts and conditions of Tibetans from the highest class to lowest-the despicabel caste smiths and butchers, he knew his Tibet intimately, for those three years, indeed, he was for all practical purposes a Tibetan. This is something which no European explorer can claim, and it is this which gives Kawaguchi’s book its unique interest.

52. who was Kawaguchi?
A. A Chinese monk
B. A Chinese traveller
C. A Japanese monk
D. A Japanese traveller

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Answer –  C

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53. ‘three year in tibet’ is
A. A travel book
B. An adventure book
C. A short story
D. A novel

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Answer –  A

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54. the despised castes in tibet were
A. Smiths and butchers
B. Sweepers and butchers
C. Shoemakers and sweepers
D. Shoemakers and butchers

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Answer –  A

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55. the word ‘assessment’ means
A. Enquiry
B. Report
C. Evaluation
D. summary

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Answer –  C

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56. the word ‘lovely’ is
A. A gerund
B. A verb
C. An adjective
D. An Adverb

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Answer –  C

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57. which of the following words is correctly spelt?
A. Harrass
B. Harass
C. Harras
D. haras

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Answer –  B

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58. fill in the blanks in the given sentence with the correct phrase from those given below:
She is seriously ill, please…….a doctor.
A. Call out
B. Call up
C. Call of
D. Call in

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Answer –  D

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59. point out the correct sentence.
A. I know to operate that computer.
B. I know how to operate that computer.
C. I know to do operate that computer.
D. I know how to do operate that computer.

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Answer –  B

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60. choose the exact meaning of the idiomatic phrase underlined below:
The boy turned a deaf ear to the advice of his well wishers.
A. Listened carefully
B. Was deadly opposed
C. Posed indifference
D. Refused to listen

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Answer –  D

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