विज्ञप्ति तिथि – 13 फरवरी 2017
भर्ती विभाग – भारतीय वन्यजीव संस्थान, देहरादून (Wildlife Institute of India)
जॉब पोस्ट – प्रोजेक्ट साइंटिस्ट, असिस्टेंट, एसोसिएट एंड फेलो (Project Scientist, Assistant, Associate & Fellow Recruitment)
आवेदन की अंतिम तिथि – 12 मार्च 2017
परीक्षा की तिथि – 26 मार्च 2017
आवेदन वेबसाइट – www.wii.gov.in
आवेदन शुल्क – 500 रुपए
शुल्क जमा करने का तरीका – फीस ऑनलाइन ही जमा की जाएगी आप नेटबैंकिंग, क्रेडिट कार्ड और डेबिट कार्ड का प्रयोग कर सकते हैं।
प्रश्नों की संख्या – 50 (हर प्रश्न 1 नंबर का होगा)
प्रश्न प्रकार – सभी प्रश्न वस्तुनिष्ठ (objective) होंगे
नेगेटिव मार्किंग – 0.25 (हर गलत जवाब पर 0.25 नंबर कटेंगे)
भर्ती का तरीका – एग्जाम क्वालीफाई करने वाले कैंडिडेट्स को पर्सनल इंटरव्यू के लिये अप्रैल 2017 में बुलाया जायेगा और इंटरव्यू क्वालीफाई करने वालों का नाम विभाग की वेबसाइट www.wii.gov.in पर प्रकाशित होंगा।
Project Scientist, Assistant, Associate & Fellow Recruitment
1. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Establishment of Ganga Aqualife Conservation Monitoring Centre
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Project Scientist | 1 | 45 years | 56,000 | Ph.D. in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Veterinary Science/ Life Science or related subjects. Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks |
Project Associate (Ecology) |
1 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science /Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Veterinary Science/ Life Science or related subjects with ≥3 years experience in relevant field. |
Project Fellow (Ecology & Conservation biology) |
3 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science /Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Veterinary Science/ Life Science or related subjects with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
Database operator |
1 | 35 years | 32,000 | Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in computer science with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
Project Assistant Grade II |
2 | 30 years | 20,000 | Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in any subject. |
2. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Planning Aquatic Species Restoration for Ganga River
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Project Scientist | 1 | 45 years | 56,000 | Ph.D. in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Veterinary science/ Life Science or related subjects. Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks |
Project Associate (Ecology) |
2 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects with ≥3 years experience in relevant field |
Project Fellow (One each for (1) aquatic botany, (2) invertebrates, (3) fish, (4) Amphibians, (5) Turtles and crocs, (6) birds and mammals |
6 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects with ≥1 year experience in relevant field. |
Project Associate (Conservation Genetics) |
1 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Botany / Zoology / Life Science Biotechnology/Genetics/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology or related subjects with ≥3 years experience in relevant field |
Project Fellow (Conservation Genetics) |
1 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Life Science with specialization in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Botany / Zoology / Life Science Biotechnology/Genetics/ Biochemistry/ Microbiology or related subjects with ≥1 year experience in relevant field. |
Project Associate (Eco-Toxicology) |
1 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects with ≥3 years experience in relevant field |
Project Fellow (Eco-Toxicology) |
1 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
Project Associate (RS & GIS) |
1 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Geo-information/ Life Science/ Wildlife science/ Environmental Science / M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering /Remote Sensing & GIS or related subjects with ≥2 years experience in relevant field |
Project Fellow (RS & GIS) |
1 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Geo-information/ Life Science/ Environmental Science / M.Tech. in Environmental Engineering/ Remote Sensing & GIS or related subjects |
Project Assistant Grade II |
3 | 30 years | 20,000 | Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in any subject. |
3. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Capacity Building of Forest Department and Other Stakeholders
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Project Associate (Training coordinator) |
1 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects with ≥3 years experience in relevant field |
Project Fellow (Training) |
1 | 35 years | 32,000 | Masters’ degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science or Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects or Economics/ Sociology/ Political science with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
4. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Establishment of Rescue and Rehabilitation Centres
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Project Scientist | 1 | 45 years | 56,000 | Ph.D. in Wildlife Science / Veterinary Science/ Forestry / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science or related subjects. Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks |
Project Associate | 1 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Zoology / Life Science/ Veterinary Science with ≥3 years experience in relevant field |
Project Biologist | 2 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science /Veterinary Science or related subjects with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
5. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Community Based Conservation Programmes for Species Restoration in Ganga River
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Project Scientist | 1 | 45 years | 56,000 | Ph.D. in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Veterinary science/ Life Science or related subjects. Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks |
Project Associate | 2 | 40 years | 45,200 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science/ Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science/ Economics/ Sociology/ Political science with ≥3 years experience in relevant field. |
Project Fellow | 5 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Life Science/ Economics/ Sociology/ Political science with ≥1 year experience |
Project Assistant Grade II |
2 | 30 years | 20,000 | Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in any subject. |
6. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Nature Interpretation and Education for Biodiversity Conservation of Ganga River
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Project Scientist | 1 | 45 years | 56,000 | Ph.D. in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Botany / Zoology / Veterinary science/ Life Science or related subjects. Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks |
Project Associate (Fine Arts) |
2 | 40 years | 45,200 | Masters’ degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Fine arts/ communication/ journalism with ≥3 years experience in relevant field |
Project Fellow | 1 | 35 years | 32,000 | Master’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in Wildlife Science / Forestry / Life science / Sociology with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
Project Assistant Grade II |
2 | 30 years | 20,000 | Bachelor’s degree with minimum of 60% aggregate marks in any subject |
Annexure 2: Recruitment details for Project Management Unit (Administrative)
7. प्रोजेक्ट का नाम – Project Management Unit
पद का नाम | पदों की संख्या | आयु सीमा | वेतन | आवश्यक योग्यता |
Conservation Officer |
1 | 65 years | 56,000 | Ph.D. in Wildlife Science / Zoology/ Botany / Environmental Science / Environmental Management / Life Science or related subjects. with ≥5 years experience in relevant field |
Project Manager (Administration) |
1 | 65 years | 42,000 | Bachelor’s /Master’s degree in any discipline with ≥5 years experience in relevant field. |
Project Manager Field Conservation |
1 | 65 years | 42,000 | Ph.D. in Sociology / Social Science or related subjects with ≥5 years experience in relevant field |
Project Assistant Grade II (Administration) |
2 | 40 years | 20,000 | Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with ≥1 year experience in relevant field |
Project Assistant Grade II (Finance) |
1 | 40 years | 20,000 | Bachelor’s degree in Commerce with ≥1 year experience |
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