UKPSC Uttarakhand Naib Tehsildar previous paper solved

UKPSC Uttarakhand Naib Tehsildar previous paper year 2010 in English. Uttarakhand lower pcs paper 2010 in PDF file, download also available. UTTARAKHAND PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Nayab Trhsildar exam paper download. Lower Provincial Civil Services Nayab Tehsildar 2010 exam paper solved with answer key.

Note: Answer shown by orange colour.

Nayab Tehsildar Solved Exam Paper – Year 2010


  1. Who among these was not from the Slave dynasty?
    1. Balban
    2. Iltutmush
    3. Qutubuddin Aibak
    4. Ibrahim Lodi


  1. A means of specifying location of data in memory is called
    1. Accumulator
    2. Address
    3. LDA
    4. RAM


  1. MS-DOS was first released in
    1. 1971
    2. 1981
    3. 1991
    4. 2001


  1. Which of the following is not a software ?
    1. Transistor
    2. Integrated circuit
    3. Compiler
    4. Device for input data


  1. During whose reign did the “Mughal Painting“ flourish?
    1. Aurangzeb
    2. Akbar
    3. Jahangir
    4. Shahjahan


  1. The highest amount of salinity is found in
    1. Pacific Ocean
    2. Indian ocean
    3. Mediterranean sea
    4. Dead Sea


  1. World Heritage site in Uttarakhand is
    1. Munsyari
    2. Valley of Flowers
    3. Mansa Devi
    4. Badrinath


  1. Which among the following is India’s oldest dynasty ?
    1. Gupta
    2. Maurya
    3. Vardhana
    4. Kushan


  1. ‘Decibel’ is unit to measure
    1. Speed of light
    2. Intensity of light
    3. Intensity of sound
    4. Radioactive frequency


  1. Which fuel is used by nuclear reactors in India ?
    1. U-270
    2. U-500
    3. U-238
    4. Gasoline


  1. The “Vijaya Nagar” Kingdom was founded by
    1. Harihara and Bukka
    2. Krishna Dev Rai
    3. Pushyamitra
    4. Bhadrawahu


  1. BT Brinjal is
    1. A new variety of brinjal
    2. A genetically modified brinjal
    3. A wild variety of brinjal
    4. None of the above


  1. Sridev Suman fought against
    1. Colonical rule of Britishers
    2. Dynastic rule in Tehri estate
    3. Gorkha Invasion
    4. None of the above


  1. Who wrote the book “Geographical Factors, in Indian History”
    1. K. S. Panikkar
    2. Toyanbee
    3. N. Srinivas
    4. Jamana Das


  1. The first woman Director General of Police in Uttarakhand was
    1. C. Bhattacharya
    2. Kaushal C. Bhattacharya
    3. Kanchan C. Bhattacharya
    4. None of the above


  1. What lies the Vashistha cave?
    1. Chamoli
    2. Uttarkashi
    3. Tihari
    4. Pithoragarh


  1. Who is the author of the book “Discovery Of India” ?
    1. Mahatma Gandhi
    2. BR Ambedkar
    3. Ravindra Tagore
    4. Jawaharlal Nehru


  1. Golu Devta temple is located in the district of
    1. Pithoragarh
    2. Almora
    3. Bageshwar
    4. Nainital


  1. The scientist known as Father of Genetics is
    1. Johnson
    2. G. J. Mendel
    3. B. Morrision
    4. Morgan


  1. The famous Sun Temple of Uttarakhand is situated at
    1. Purnagiri – Tanakpur
    2. Katarmal –    Almora
    3. Gangotri –     Uttarkashi
    4. Bhawali –       Nainital