RSMSSB LDC exam 2018 Paper 2 (Answer Key) Second Shift

RSMSSB LDC exam 2018 Paper 2 (Answer Key) Second Shift

RSMSSB LDC exam 2018 Paper 2 (Answer Key) : RSMSSB LDC Paper 2 (Second) का एग्जाम आज 12 अगस्त 2018 को आयोजित हुआ है। RSMSSB LDC exam 2018 का पूर्ण प्रश्नपत्र उत्तरकुंजी (Answer Key) सहित यहाँ दिया गया है। LDC की यह परीक्षा RSMSSB (राजस्थान सबोर्डिनेट एंड मिनिस्टीरियल सर्विस सिलेक्शन बोर्ड) द्वारा दूसरी शिफ्ट दोपहर 2 बजे से सायं 5 बजे के मध्य संपन्न करवाई गयी है।

परीक्षा :— RSMSSB LDC exam 2018
पद का नाम :— LDC Grade-II (Lower Division Clerk), Junior Assistant
परीक्षा तिथि :— 12/08/2018
परीक्षा समय :— द्वितीय पाली (दोपहर 2 बजे से सायं 5 बजे तक)
प्रश्न पत्र :— द्वितीय (Second)
परीक्षा आयोजक :— RSMSSB
कुल प्रश्न :— 150
[ RSMSSB LDC exam paper 2018 Paper 1 यहाँ उपलब्ध है ]

RSMSSB LDC Solved exam paper 2 – 2018

1. Change the following sentence from exclamatory to assertive from the options given below.
If only I could win the first prize !

(A) My greatest ambition is to win the first prize.
(B) Winning the first prize will be my greatest ambition.
(C) Having won the first prize is my greatest ambition.
(D) To win the first prize was my greatest ambition.

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Answer – A

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2. Choose the appropriate articles or determiners to complete the sentences.
The Amazon in Brazil is ____ longest river in _____ South America.
(A) – / the
(B) -/-
(c) a / the
(D) the /-

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Answer – C

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3. Fill in the blank with an appropriate article from the options listed below.
________ Ramayana is our epic.
(A) A
(B) An
(C) Zero article
(D) The

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Answer – D

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4. Choose the appropriate determiner given in the options.
Jolly did not take _______ photos when she went on a holiday.
(A) every
(B) many of
(C) many
(D) each

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Answer – C

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5. Fill in the blank with the correct determiner.
There are _________ students who don’t care for classes.

(A) many
(B) this
(C) a little
(D) much

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Answer – A

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6. Fill in the blank with the suitable preposition.
She travelled ________ train to Delhi.
(A) after
(B) before
(C) i
(D) by

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Answer – D

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7. Fill in the blank with preposition.
Hari killed the snake ____ a stick.
(A) by
(B) at
(C) over
(D) with

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Answer – A

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8. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.
An amendment was made _____ the act.
(A) for
(B) since
(C) to
(D) through

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Answer – D

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9. Choose the correct prepositions from the given choices.
We are accountable ________ God ______ our actions.
(A) with, for
(B) with, to
(C) to, with
(D) to, for

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Answer – D

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10. Choose the correct English translation of the following sentence from the given options :
वह कल जयपुर जाएगा ।
(A) He will go to Jaipur tomorrow.
(B) He may go to Jaipur tomorrow.
(C) He might go to Jaipur tomorrow.
(D) He ought to go to Jaipur tomorrow.

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Answer – A

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11. Choose the correct indirect conversion of speech from the question given below.
He said to me, “What are you doing?”
(A) He asked me as to what I was doing.
(B) He asked me what I was doing.
(C) He said to me as to what I was doing.
(D) He said to me what I was doing.

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Answer – D

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12. Choose the correct form of Indirect Narration for the sentence given.
He said to his master, “Pardon me Sir, never will I do such a thing again.”
(A) He begged his master to pardon him and resolved never to do such a thing again.
(B) He pleaded his master to pardon him and he would never do such a thing again.
(C) He told his master to pardon him and promised that he would never do such a thing again.
(D) He told his master to pardon him and he would never do such a thing again.

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Answer – D

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13. Choose the correct indirect speech of the following sentence from the options given below:
The teacher said to the boy, “Sit down.”
(A) The teacher requested that the boy to sit down.
(B) The teacher ordered the boy to sit down.
(C) The teacher ordered to the boy that sit down.
(D) The teacher said to the boy to sit down.

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Answer – D

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14. Change from assertive to negative :
He is greater than I am.
(A) I am not so great as he is.
(B) I am not as great as he is.
(C) I am not so great as him.
(D) I am not as great as him.

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Answer – A

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15. Change from negative to assertive :
He did not live many years in India.
(A) He lived in India for a few years.
(B) He lives in India for a few years.
(C) It has been few years that he has lived in India.
(D) He does not live in India for many years.

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16. Choose the correct option for Negative to Assertive transformation for the sentence given.
None but a Hercules could do this.
(A) A Hercules can do this.
(B) Everybody isn’t Hercules.
(C) Only a Hercules could do this.
(D) Everyone cannot do this, only Hercules.

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Answer – C

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17. Choosing the correct option change the following sentence into Negative:
He was doubtful whether it was I.
(A) He was sure that it was not I.
(B) He was not sure that it was not I.
(C) He was not sure that it was I.
(D) He was not doubtful whether it was I.

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Answer – C

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18. Choose the correct English translation of the following sentence from the given options :
सुबह से बारिश हो रही है।
(A) It is raining since morning.
(B) It has been raining from morning.
(C) It has been raining since morning.
(D) It is raining all morning.

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Answer – C

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19. Which is the most correct translation of.
He had a narrow escape.
(A) वह इतना सा बच गया।
(B) वह बाल-बाल बच गया।
(C) वह थोड़े से कोने से बच गया।
(D) वह बच गया था।

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Answer – B

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20. Which is the most apt translation of –
I wonder if its true.
(A) मैं सोच रहा हूँ क्या सच है।
(B) मुझे यकीन नहीं है।
(C) मुझे उसके सच होने पर यकीन नहीं है।
(D) मुझे इसकी सच्चाई पर संदेह है।

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Answer – D

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